Saturday, May 24, 2008

Get paid for Sending SMS/ Recieving SMS Adds

Get paid for Sending SMS

Is it un believable? But its is true. You will be paid for sending sms..! You can send sms to your friends and you will be paid if your friend registers your network. You can invite your friends through sms or through email.

Import contacts from yahoo, orkut, gmail, hotmail, MSN, rediffmail, indiatimesmail, AOL, facebook, myspace, hi5, friendster
You need not even enter each email id or manually. If you just login and it allows you to login to your mail id like yahoo, gmail and orkut. They will recieve the join link. Once if they join you will be paid 10 Rs. for direct referral.

Its completely free service...!

You will be also given pramotional sites..!

Right now there are two offers. 1 get registered with Times jobs.

For each successful referral to Times jobs & simplyMarry the amount is paid as folled:

Times Jobs
  • Direct referral for each direct referral 10 Rs
  • Get paid 5 Rs for every referrals referral..!


You will be paid 2200 Rs..

So Don't wait. start referring..!

use the following link or Click on the image above:

Get Paid to Recieve Advertisements on your mobile

Its true..! You will be paid to recieve Ads on your mobile...!

Can't wait any more..! Do you wanna join immediately..!

Use the following link:

Note: These offers may be changing..! I am not responsible. If any thing changes..!